2023 CDU First Nations Introduction to University Course
The reach and engagement Miwatj Health staff have with the wider community is something we’re always proud of. At the start of 2023, this engagement was directed at the next generation of leaders, with staff presenting to students enrolled in the inaugural First Nations Introduction to University course at Charles Darwin University (CDU).
Regional Renal Coordinators, Nathan Garrawurra and Jess Graham, joined Maida Stewart (Rheumatic Fever Strategy Program Lead) and Bek Clancy (Public Health Nutritionist/Nutrition Team Lead) to present as guest speakers alongside First Nations Academic Tutors, educators, and mentors. Their presentations were comprehensive and engaging and gave all who attended a great snapshot of what it’s like to work at an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation.
Understanding Health Policies
CDU’s First Nations Introduction to University course is intended to help students develop connections, not only with each other and the university, but with the professional community they intend on joining in the future. To do this, they’re encouraged to select a study focus that relates to their intended future course, either in Education, the Arts, or Health. Our staff were able to present to those wanting a career in the health industry and provided them all with an understanding of health policies and, specifically what’s involved in the policy process.
Knowledge for Life
Thank you to Nathan, Jess, Maida and Bek for sharing your expertise and inspiring the next generation of health workers. The knowledge you imparted was so valuable and will only continue to grow as the students’ time at CDU progresses. We know that study is sometimes a long-term game, but we’re excited to watch the outcomes arise from your course participation and look forward to welcoming these future leaders to Miwatj Health someday.