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Alyangula township has a population of 873 (2016 Census), and is situated on the west coast of Groote Eylandt, in the Gulf of Carpentaria.

Alyangula was established in 1963 by GEMCO as a residence for their predominantly non mining workers, under a special lease with the Anindilyakwa Land Council and Anindilyakwa Land Trust.

Fast Facts

Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander make up 8.3% of the population of Alyangula, and the median age is 33 years.

Community Services

Alyangula Area School (up to and including Year 10) is one of four schools in the Groote Eylandt archipelago. Although primarily servicing the mining community with students from other parts of Australia and around the world, a number of Indigenous students contribute to a culturally inclusive, multicultural learning space.

Other services include a first-class resort, four clubs, arts centre, coffee and 6 other shops, bank, post office, travel agency, golf course, 25m swimming pool, childcare centre, sporting facilities, a training centre, church and health centre.

AirNorth offer flights to Alyangula 6 days a week.